Saturday, September 02, 2017 by News Editors
A funny thing happened on the way to reporting on the Presidential assassination, the Fema-camp-style roundup of the American people for “incorrect political views”, America’s latest war of military occupation, the monopolization of all e-commerce by delisting all non-referred competitors and transpiring event and an unmitigated genocide, Google was the only voice left to speak and “the people” never learned of these impending and/or transpiring events. Why? Because Google had eliminated all competition, whether they be conservative and even liberal.
(Article by David Hodges republished from TheCommonSenseShow.com)
This article will briefly review Google’s illegal and unwarranted censorship of the Independent Media from it search engines and on Youtube. There is a stunning revelation that Google’s censorship extends far beyond eliminating the message from the conservative right, it extends to all of the media in one form or another.
There is not a conservative outlet from The Common Sense Show to the Hagmann Report to Steve Quayle to Mike Adams and Natural News that has not felt the sting Google’s long and powerful reach. On Youtube, their Google-controlled censorship has eliminated 90% of the profits of several channels on Youtube.
Many believe that Google’s only censorship goal was to silence the Independent Media and to eliminate as much opposition to the Deep State as possible. That is only partially true. Yes, I believe the facts support the belief that Google is providing cover for some very dark moves planned by the Deep State and by silencing the Independent Media, the majority of Americans will never see the tyranny that is coming their way. However, as I discovered that Google’s censorship reach has extended far beyond the silencing of what we like to call the “truthful media”.
Take a look at what Global Research has discovered about Google:
In-Q-Tel is something that I was covering extensively 4-5 yearss ago. They are an agent for the CIA and have even taken on NSA duties. They have partnered with Google and Google is doing their bidding and they are being handsomely rewarded.
As many, including myself have previously covered, Google is running point for the CIA/NSA, ultimately the Deep State, in order to eliminate all “contrary views”. In large part, the Independent Media won the 2016 election for Donald Trump and the Deep State will have no more of this. But even more ominous is the fact that Google is quickly becoming the company store. In mining towns, the company that owns the mines also buys up all food distribution points, all the housing and most of the small businesses. They price fix and they reduce their employees existence to that of a feudal serf. If America is not careful, all Americans will someday live in a house controlled by Google, buy groceries from a Google controlled outlet and purchase their retail from Google subsidiaries. Google will totally control all news content and will delist all E-Commerce competition. These are bold claims, but the proof is in the process that is already underway.
Also from Global Research
Google is already helping the government write, and rewrite, history. Here, from its transparency report, are some stats on the amount of information it has either given to the government or wiped from the web based on requests by U.S. agencies:
- 4,601 requests from U.S. government agencies for “user data“
- Google complied with government requests for user data 94% of the time.
- 1,421 requests for “content removal“
- Google complied with content removal requests 87% of the time.
- 15 requests were from “executive, police etc.”
- 1 was a national security request.
This information is absolutely huge in its scope. Part Two is over 2,000 words long. In Part Two of this series, I will be presenting voluminos documentation of the claims made in Part One.
In summary and what will be expanded on in Part Two will include the following:
Read more at: TheCommonSenseShow.com
Tagged Under: Tags: Censorship, conspiracy, corporations, Google, Liberty, mainstream media, techno tyranny