11/16/2023 / By Belle Carter
Three prominent professional athletes – NBA legend John Stockton, Green Bay Packers Hall of Famer Ken Ruettgers and three-time mountain biking champion Kyle Warner – have signified their support for independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) in his 2024 presidential bid.
According to the sportsmen, they like RFK Jr.’s genuineness, honesty and openness to conversations about policies. Stockton, the NBA’s all-time assists and steals leader, said he believes there’s a real need for Kennedy’s kind of leadership and he has been put on this planet for just this moment in time. “There’s a need for very smart people in these positions that have integrity that is off the charts, that have the stamina and strength to be able to speak and be a leader 24/7, not just on occasion or on blips,” the former Utah Jazz point guard said. “And, maybe more than anything, a person that can un-divide this country. I don’t think we’ve ever been this divided.”
Stockton also expressed admiration for the Children’s Health Defense founder because of his honesty. “That’s a hard journey because it’s hard to get the truth,” he said referring to how he carefully scrutinizes candidates he will support. “And … one thing I can count on with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the truth. He’ll look you right in the eye. He’ll tell you what he thinks. If you guys disagree, he’s willing to discuss it. His mind isn’t set. He’s not dialed into one political way of thinking, and if you can present a decent argument, he wants to hear it and perhaps his mind changes,” Stockton added.
For his part, Ruettgers said the independent candidate’s “level of commitment to honesty” that he will “bring to our federal government, to the Oval Office, to the leadership position” are the reasons why he is backing RFK Jr in 2024. “I love the fact that he loves the Constitution and the Bill of Rights,” the National Football League (NFL) offensive tackle said.
“Man, that seems to have been eroded in our culture over the last couple of decades. And I love other things. He’s for free-market capitalism, but he’s not for crony capitalism,” he continued, adding that Kennedy is for the average American, the middle class, the people who are down and out and cannot provide for themselves in this economy.
Meanwhile, champion biker Warner, who bagged the winning crown in 2014, 2015 and 2016 North American Enduro Championships, favored the environmental lawyer because he does not have the “level of elitism” that is rampant currently in American politics. He named presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump as elites. “I think that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. does a great job of being a populist and understanding the plight of the common man,” Warner said. “I have had friends that have been in these big meetings at Facebook, at these censorship meetings with Robert, and they’re just normal people, everyday normal people, and he cares about them. He wants them to succeed.”
Warner also said he is a lifelong Democrat who grew up with a mother who “was on welfare.” “We grew up on food stamps and the only reason we weren’t homeless was because of the government,” Warner said and proceeded to slam the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC’s) choice to not host a primary debate as “undemocratic.” He also said he was happy to see Kennedy run as an independent, despite the “tough road” that comes with it. “But right now when you see him polling in the 20th percentile already, and I don’t think there’s even been that massive debate that’s happened,” Warner said. “If he can get onstage with Biden and Trump, I think it will really do a lot for him. I do think he has a chance of winning this thing.” (Related: RFK Jr. to continue his presidential run as an INDEPENDENT candidate after ditching rigged DNC.)
In addition to the three, Kennedy has secured the endorsements of several other athletes, including New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers and surfing legend Kelly Slater, Fox News reported.
A recent poll concluded that RFK Jr. has beaten both the current and former presidents among young Americans in swing states, with 34 percent of registered voters between 18 and 29 behind him in the presidential elections.
The New York Times and Siena College published the said survey that showed Kennedy had more support among Americans under 45 in critical battleground states over both Trump and Biden. The GOP frontrunner got 29 percent of that age range while the Democratic nominee and current president carried 30 percent. In a higher age bracket of 30-44-year-olds, RFK Jr. got 31 percent compared to Biden’s and Trump’s 30 each. However, he only got 20 percent support in the 45-64 age group, which is way behind Trump and Biden, who got 41 percent and 31 percent, respectively.
Check out Kennedy.news for updates on RFK Jr.’s presidential campaign.
Watch the video below where RFK Jr. talks about what really happened to his father RFK Sr.
This video is from the GoneDark channel on Brighteon.com.
Poll: RFK Jr. running as independent would help Trump, hurt Biden.
All of a sudden RFK Jr. is totally on board with censorship.
Survey: 33% of Democrats to vote for RFK Jr. if he runs independently – DNC headed for PANIC.
Tagged Under:
athletes, Biden, big government, celebrities, conspiracy, endorsers, independent candidate, John Stockton, Ken Ruettegers, Kyle Warner, leadership, politics, populist, propaganda, RFK Jr, Trump, truth, vote democrat, Vote Republican
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