News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson censors climate scientist who apologized for using 30 years of scare tactics to sell climate change hoax
Accustomed to manipulating the emotions of environmentalists and other well-intentioned liberals, the left-wing media has been using scare tactics to sell climate change for many years. These climate doom scare tactics not only boost readership, but they rally support for political agendas and funnel hundreds of millions of dollars to their causes. A high profile […]
By Lance D Johnson
Eco-terrorists claim climate change justifies their actions to destroy the oil infrastructure
Fervent belief in global warming and man-made climate change is motivating some to protest oil pipeline construction across the United States. Some of these activists are so driven by the political agenda called climate change, that they are seeking to shut down the U.S. oil infrastructure and its vast network of pipelines. A new wave of […]
By Lance D Johnson
Join the tax revolution that allows you to control WHERE your tax dollars are spent
The U.S. federal tax code, spanning approximately 74,000 pages, is an embarrassment to common sense and a mockery of freedom. When the income tax began in 1913, it was roughly 400 pages long and had a top tax bracket of 7 percent. Today the income tax generates over 13 trillion annually and penalizes earners’ income […]
By Lance D Johnson
Burger King buys animal feed from soybean plantations that burn rainforests to the ground
Tropical rain forests are being deliberately burned to the ground and cleared away by hundreds of thousands of acres to make way for soybean plantations. Brazil and Bolivia have been hit the hardest. Animals such as the sloth, mighty jaguar, and giant anteater are disappearing in record numbers. According to a new investigative report by […]
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