News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
The Anti-Science of Pro-Vaccination
“Follow the science,” the allopathic herd always regurgitates when natural health advocates buck the “system” of Western medicine, yet, all of the science as of late shows the Covid jabs are not effective, not safe, and are in fact dangerous. So why is everyone who is “pro-science” not “anti-vax” now? Follow the clinical trial data for […]
By S.D. Wells
GENDER FLUIDITY? Maybe it “originates” from hormones in meat and dairy, soy estrogen, and atrazine gender-bender weed-killers that influence “sexuality” traits
It used to be that cross-dressers and transvestites in America were hardly ever seen or heard about. Gay couples kept it pretty much to themselves, and occasionally they would grab the spotlight on television, like the odd couple (though they weren’t flamboyant or openly gay). Today, many believe that social media has a major influence […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 things the CULT OF FAUCI told us we must do to avoid dying from Covid that have now been shown to be COMPLETE BUNK
The cult of Fauci was relentless in their pursuit of every human on earth getting “fully” jabbed with billions of toxic spike prions that cause vascular clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, and turbo cancer. If we don’t all get these gene-mutating jabs that change human DNA forever for the worse, we were all surely to die from […]
By S.D. Wells
The OVERTON WINDOW: How mainstream media is now forced to admit Covid jabs are deadly, but only in a “catch-and-release” format to keep their sheeple in line
Politicians only support policies they believe help their electoral chances, and that range of options is shaped by social movements and shared “norms” within society. The mass media follows suit. A policy analyst named Joseph Overton once stated that an idea’s political viability depends on whether it falls within that range, and so that window […]
By S.D. Wells
Forbes tries to discredit Project Veritas but FAILS miserably
Big pharma’s favorite way to cover up their atrocities, once exposed, is to try to discredit the source of the exposure, whether that source is one of their own, or a journalist or reporter who brings their criminalities to light. Often times, their attempts at this discrediting of a source are futile, to say the […]
By S.D. Wells
TRIBUNAL FEAR: Covid-vaccine-pushing talking heads now BACK-PEDALING to cover their tracks for fear of future prosecution for conspiring to push deadly vaccines
When World War II came to an end in 1945, the United States, along with the Soviet Union, UK, and France, agreed to convene a joint tribunal, now known as the Nuremberg Trials, to try 21 of the most insidious surviving leaders of Nazi Germany, as well as six German organizations that supported “Hitler Science.” […]
By S.D. Wells
Dr. Pierre Kory, critical care physician, proved IVERMECTIN was effective for COVID-19 treatment, but Big Pharma skewed his results
Back in 2014, three scientists won the Nobel Prize of Medicine for discovering how natural-based remedies, derived from plants and naturally occurring bacteria in soil, could kill parasites that cause river blindness and malaria. The names of those compounds are artemisinin and ivermectin, and are used by millions of people around the globe, and not […]
By S.D. Wells
“Trust the Science?” … or follow the MONEY and find out the science was faked? Pharma drives “science” outcomes to fit their desired endpoints – patented drug sales
We are all fiercely coerced to “trust the science” and “follow the science” in this country or be labeled an anti-science blasphemer, who is responsible for destroying lives, the environment, and ruining the entire advancement of civilization. Yet, the root of all science lives in questioning the science, rigorously always testing the science, re-examining it, […]
By S.D. Wells
BIG TECH TITANTIC SINKING: Will Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg go to PRISON for lying to Congress?
How often is it that a billionaire serves hard time in prison for committing crimes? The two social media “tech kings” are in hot water right now for illegally suppressing and censoring conservative voices, influencing elections in favor of Democrats, and violating free speech rights for millions of Americans. Currently, Marc Zuckerberg’s net worth is […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 REAL events that most Americans would swear were conspiracy theories if they were not ALREADY happening
There are plenty of conspiracy theories ‘out there’ that may just be wild guesses at how something happened in the past, or is currently happening now. Many so-called conspiracy theories are real, but are labeled as such because the perpetrators of the horrors and tragedies use that as their best cover up, because it’s easy. […]
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